I asked Anthony Browne, MP for South Cambridgeshire, what residents thought about road safety – straight off, he said: "Speeding through the villages – it's an endemic problem wherever you go; it's probably the number one concern – fears that people get run over.
"It's terrible 39 people were killed on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough roads last year and nearly 400 seriously injured."
I've dealt with many fatal accidents
During my time as a serving police officer, I had to deal with many fatal road collisions, so I am particularly aware of the devastating impact they have on families, friends and local communities.
Speaking with residents across our county, in villages, towns and cities, it's very clear speeding on local roads is a real concern – it makes them feel unsafe.
Vision Zero initiative
I fully support the Vision Zero initiative, an international, multi-agency plan to reduce deaths and serious injury on our roads.
It is clear we need better prevention – prevention will require all partners to play their part:
- Listening to local concerns.
- Investment in technical solutions such as cameras and speed warning signs.
- Investment in physical traffic calming measures such as speed humps and 'gateways', which are particularly effective in villages.
In addition, in consultation with local communities, reducing speed limits in residential areas to 20 mph where there is a good case to do so.
However, we do need robust enforcement of our road traffic laws – catching those who break the law and deterring others.
If elected I will
- Ensure more police officers on our streets.
- More visible police patrols to deter motorists from breaking the law in the first place and catching those who do.
- I would make resources available to the Chief Constable to increase the numbers of road policing officers along with more local police officers to deter and enforce force local issues.
- Lead and support the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership.
- Within a year of being elected, progress the Vision Zero initiative by putting in place a clear plan and strategy.
- Listen to local communities and support local campaigns to reduce speeding and dangerous parking.
- Work with local authorities to make funds available to local projects for preventative solutions such as traffic calming.
- Support the lowering of speed limits in residential areas and in between villages where there is a good case to do so and is supported by local residents.
Darryl Preston is the Conservative candidate in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Police and Crime Commissioner election in May 2021. There's more about Darryl on the About Darryl Preston page.